Sunday 24 May 2009


Today is a gloriously sunny day, where people are breaking out the BBQs, getting their legs out and walking into town rather than taking the gloomy shelter of the bus. Despite this, I have somewhat squandered it seeing as I've been to the cinema to see Coraline, sat inside at the pub and now am sitting inside again on the internet, about to finish off the last episode of Desperate Housewives.

Coraline, for the record, was excellent. Described by Andy as 'the most Lizzie movie he has ever seen' due to its strange quirkiness and start-stop animation, with added 3-D for good measure.

Amongst all this sun, I have realised that this is one of the first times in my life that I'm not preoccupied with a man. First of all, this is quite shocking that it's taken me to be 20 for there to be a period in time where no man is standing out, offering a date and a few sweet words. At first, my ego was a bit confused and my unbelievable success rate became diminished the other night, but now I'm feeling good about it. I feel good about myself and I'm enjoying all this time with my friends. Things are definitely good. The summer of singledom has a good shine to it, I think.

I mean, it'd be nice if a man did offer me a date and a few sweet words, but right now I'm enjoying this sense of freedom and carefree attitude. It's very refreshing. Sally has advised me that it will get old, but for now, this is good.

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