Tuesday, 2 June 2009


2am is a bit of a funny time. I know I should go to sleep because I want to be up in 6 hours, but I'm too awake. I could just stay up all night. Except I know that that won't work. I haven't stayed up for two days since the days of sleepovers in my young teenage years. I love my bed too much.

Today I came home to Wales. Things in the house are less than peachy, so a little rest and relaxation in the house of my parents is a good thing. As the train was rolling through Wales a smile just came to my face. I love sitting in the window and watching home get closer. I've seen the view a thousand times but some things, like the big ship and the blue sea, make me happy and fuzzy inside. Not literally fuzzy, but the feeling of fuzziness. Fuzzed up, if you may.

Mum, Dad and I sat out in the back yard listening to the birds in the sunshine with Coca Cola on ice. I found myself swirling it, as though I was mixing my usual Captain Morgan's. Sign of an alcoholic/student methinks. It was good. I told my parents about all the good and the bad, and vice versa.

I had crab terrine on onion bread for tea. That's kind of like a pate. It was excellent. The onion bread tasted like I had dipped normal french bread into onion soup. It was also excellent. I love the food at home. Everything feels luxorious and I don't have to think about how much I'm spending and whether I should make enough for leftovers tomorrow. We had palma ham and melon for starters and apricot tart for dessert. I am spoiled.

Tomorrow I'm going to get up at 8am, or that is the plan. If I keep blogging and wasting time I feel it may be a 9am start. Then I'll get the photos printed for Quentin, and go for a walk with Daddy, give the parents all the music they want, go see Star Trek with mum, go see Quentin, eat some food and hopefully go watch the sunset with Jack in Abergele. Busy but good times. Then Wednesday, equally busy day of morning coffee, a train home, a horror film and then a fire in Kim's back yard. Not the arson kind, more the camp fire variety. I plan to make smores, or at least toast some marshmallows. Om nom nom.

I think I should at least try to sleep.

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