Tuesday, 19 May 2009


This afternoon is my last exam, thank christ for that. It's actually going to kill me though. I know frick all about hormones, except perhaps a bit on oxytocin and vasopressin. Bleehhh. I will just aim to get the 30% on my disclosed essay then all I need is at least 50% on the other two sections to get a 60. Ideally, I'd love a 70% or more, but yeah I doubt that's going to happen. Unless everyone does shit and they raise the boundary.

If singledom is anything to go by my next week and a bit of activities, I can safely assume that it means residing in a pub or bar.

Okay so today's Tuesday, right? Exam at 2.30. So the latest I'll be out is 4.30 then straight to the Font for 'Yay Lutheh is 21' and 'Yay no more exams' drinks. Then I have fencing 6-8. Then back to the pub :D

Wednesday I'm dying my hair, going shopping and perhaps the cinema and then going out in the evening with Shona, Mark, Jonny, Towler and whoever else turns up.

Thursday - pub at 12 to meet people finishing the physiology exam. Then pub quiz in the evening. As to what I'll do in between the two pub times, I have no idea.

Friday night is big night out with the bioscience kids! Messy times.

Saturday afternoon-evening is Mike's BBQ. So lots of good food and extremely strong home brewed alcohol. I like it.

Sunday is the End of Year meal at Bistro Jacques. They give free bottles of wine with the student 2 course meal.

So yeah, by the time I'm completely hung over on Monday I might go home and see my family for the day.

Then Uganda reunion on the Tuesday :D :D :D
That's going to be the highlight of the week I think. It's sad that Suzanne, Rob and Stewart (the lecturers) can't come, but Keith (technician) is coming. It's going to be so good. We're going to a South African restaurant in Ellesmere Port to eat exotic animals and drink and dance and spend too much, but most importantly, be in good company.

So in conclusion, expect my blogs to be less than coherent this week.

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